Advanced Home Energy Featured in Greentech Media Article

Greentech Media asked Advanced Home Energy president and co-founder, Ori Skloot, to weigh in on the challenges facing California’s home efficiency programs.
Ambitious goals were set for the Energy Upgrade California program during its inception. Now, 3 years in, skeptics and advocates are taking a hard look at the costs and challenges of retrofitting 100,000 California homes.
While Advanced Home Energy remains committed to Energy Upgrade California mission to help Bay Area residents save energy with measures like new furnace upgrades, energy saving windows, and insulation, there have been challenges along the way.
“Working through the program can take up to 25 percent of our time on a project,” said Skloot. “There’s a high cost to that. And so for some contractors, it’s much easier to go for the lower-hanging fruit rather than doing the harder work.”
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